バージョン0.10.1リリース – LadioCast開発記その62

in LadioCast


  • LadioCast-0.10.1.dmg (3ウェイユニバーサルバイナリ・Mac OS X 10.5 “Leopard” 以降)


  • Flash Media Serverへ音声ストリーミングを送信するRTMP(Real Time Messaging Protocol)ストリーマーを実装
  • ユーザー定義AppleScriptで扱えるイベントを追加
  • 3ウェイ(ppc, i386, x86_64)ユニバーサルバイナリアプリケーションとして再構築

ストリーマーはIcecast用も含め根本的に内部実装を書き直し、いよいよ第二のストリーマーとなるRTMP用を導入しました。 実装には以前のブログのエントリーRTMPストリーミングエンジンで書いたものが用いられています。 このRTMP対応がLadioCast 0.10系列の最大の目的で、以降は安定させていくリリースになると思われます。


  • 映像は出ません^_^。
  • エンコーディング形式は今のところAACのみです。
  • メタデータは設定しても送信されません。
  • サーバーとの相性が強烈にあります。

その他、増えたユーザー定義イベントハンドラーは接続完了と切断正常完了です。 なおイベントは新RTMPストリーマーでも同様に使えるはずです。



4 Responses to “バージョン0.10.1リリース – LadioCast開発記その62”

  1. Thanks Kawauso San!
    Glad to see a new release!
    Would you say that this version is more stable than the 0.10.0? Will I be able to run with all of my existing settings without changes?
    Lately my copy of 0.10.0 has somewhat stabilized, so I am debating whether I should upgrade to this new version or wait for your final version. When do you expect to release the final version of 10?
    Thanks in advance!
    []Rick. :o)

  2. Ooops! Forgot a very important question!
    Can you provide a scripting example for how to get this new version to connect on launch while maintaining my current script that reconnects if the server drops the connection?

  3. kawauso

    Hi Rick san!
    >Will I be able to run with all of my existing settings without changes?
    The format of the preference file(${HOME}/Library/Preferences/com.kawauso.LadioCast.plist) is changed about streamers.
    >When do you expect to release the final version of 10?
    This is also a beta so not a final version of 0.10.
    >Can you provide a scripting example for how to get this new version to connect on launch while maintaining my current script that reconnects if the server drops the connection?
    The behavior about AppleScript is expected same as before, but internally rewritten, even drastically.
    You should be careful.
    See ya!

  4. Thanks for the info!
    I think I am going to stick with the version I am currently running for now. 0.10.0 has settled down recently and has stopped the constant crashing. I have no idea what changed since I didn’t make any changes to the machine in any way.
    Based on your cautions, I will wait for the final release before I make any changes. I would prefer not to have to deal with any drastic changes to the streaming portion of the app unless it is for a final version that will stay in the new form from that point forward.
    []Rick. :o)

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